I bring you greetings from St Jude’s. We hope that you, your family and friends are safe and well, this is my prayer for us all.
Covid-19 rages on. Our sympathies and condolences to those whose relatives or friends have been affected by the deadly disease.  
By the grace of almighty God all St Jude’s staff remain safe and well. We are pleased to say that St Jude’s Clinic remain open and committed to providing patients with information and support throughout this period. We are operating in compliance with guidelines produced by the appropriate professional bodies and our regulatory body, the HFEA.
We continue to operate near-normal opening hours and full telephone access. For the week beginning 30th March 2020, we are open from 8.30am to 6.00pm every weekday apart from Thursday when we close at 3.30pm; and on Saturday from 8.30am to 2.00pm. We will review these opening hours from week to week.
We are conducting appointments, both initial consultations and reviews, by video call -- Skype, Zoom or LoopUp.
For patients who are waiting to start their treatment cycles, I am sorry we cannot give any meaningful guidance at present. But I believe that with the concerted efforts here in the UK, and all over the world, Covid-19 will be subdued sooner rather than later, and we can live normal lives once again. Please say AMEN to this.
We will keep in touch through regular updates on our website and facebook page.  
I continue to pray for divine safety and good health for us all. God bless you.

J. Adeghe
Medical Director
St Jude’s Women’s Hospital